Easy Exercises For Physiotherapy At Home


Some people choose to pay thousands of dollars for physiotherapy by going to a clinic or a special care facility. This is great, especially if one is suffering from any trauma caused by an accident or an illness that got them in physio in the first place. However, even for regular people, and especially as part of the aging process, physiotherapy should be part of a healthy lifestyle that comes with healthy dieting and an overall positive outlook on life.

So, instead of paying money and having to drive to a therapy center, we give you easy exercises for physiotherapy at home. Practice these on a regular basis, and you will find that you feel a lot less cramped up, your lungs will fill in air much better and your head will be clearer.

Physiotherapy for the lower back is one of the most sought after requests from experts. All you need to do is begin by lying flat on your back on the floor. You can either use a protective blanket or yoga mat to act as a buffer between you and the ground. Now, bring the right knee up and hug it to your chest. Hold this position for a good 10-30 seconds and slowly let go, letting the leg straighten out and relax back on the floor. Go for the next leg and repeat the same process. Alternate your legs for up to 10 minutes to gain instant relief in your lower back.

Another great exercise involves standing upright. Slowly begin tilting to the left side, allowing your left hand to slowly slide down the same leg. Hold for up to 30 seconds. Repeat this with the right side as well. Keep alternating for up to 10 minutes for instant relief in your side-back muscles.

The neck also experiences a lot of stress and tension because of staring at a computer screen for hours or even by sitting wrongly. In fact, it is scientifically proven that even sleeping with a pillow under your head can cause stress in the neck – a better way to snooze would be on a flat surface and with a pillow tucked under your knees.

To ease muscles in the neck, keep your head straight, looking ahead. Next, slowly draw a line with your nose up towards the ceiling. You will find yourself looking directly overhead. Hold this pose for 5 seconds and slowly come back into place. Do the same thing again, but this time, draw a pattern with your nose down towards the ground and hold for 5 seconds. Again, look straight ahead and then turn your head to the left, holding for 5 seconds and then getting back to the original position. Continue with the right side as well. Continue following these steps for up to 10 minutes to relax your neck.

Any movement is always better than not moving at all. If you find yourself plopped in front of the TV, instead of going for the large pack of chips, try moving your legs, or stretch your arms and arch your back. These exercises can even be practiced at work. You have no excuse for sore muscles or hurting joints anymore!

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